Price and Income Elasticity of Residential Electricity Demand in the State of Bahia: 2004 to 2021


  • Luís Oscar Martins Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia, Brazil
  • Fábio Matos Fernandes Universidade Estadual da Bahia, Brazil
  • Lucas da Silva Almeida Centro Universitário Maria Milza, Brazil
  • Ednildo Andrade Torres Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil
  • Armando Hirohumi Tanimoto Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia, Brazil
  • Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos SENAI - CIMATEC, Brazil
  • Marcelo Santana Silva Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia da Bahia, Brazil



Electricity, Electric demand in the residential sector, Bahia, Cointegration


The main objective of this research is to estimate the price and income parameters of the residential electric power demand of Bahia state, Brazil. For this, monthly data from 2004 to 2021 is used. The consumption is analyzed in terms of the electricity price, income, number of residentials, rainfall, average temperature, and residential index price. Regarding climatic variables, despite being important for the study of the electricity sector, especially rainfall, since Brazil depends on water sources, they are rarely used. After verifying that part of the series is non-stationary, it is decided to use the method of Cointegration and Error Correction Mechanism (ECM). This estimator considers the model variables and their lags, reconciling short-run and long-run trends. The results are consistent with the established hypotheses, proving to be inelastic both in the short and long run. The parameters calculated can serve as another source of information, both for the agents responsible for conducting energy planning in the State of Bahia, and for eventual investors in the private sector.


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How to Cite

Martins, L. O., Matos Fernandes, F., da Silva Almeida, L., Andrade Torres, E., Hirohumi Tanimoto, A., Bandeira Santos, A. Álisson, & Santana Silva, M. (2023). Price and Income Elasticity of Residential Electricity Demand in the State of Bahia: 2004 to 2021. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 13(1), 39–44.


