Lexicographic Multi-objective Optimisation of Hybrid Power Generation Systems for Communities in Non-Interconnected Zones


  • Edgar Ojeda Camargo Universidad de la Guajira
  • John E. Candelo-Becerra Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Colombia http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9784-9494
  • Alcides Santander Mercado Universidad del Norte


Energy supply applications for populations in isolated areas have great importance in reducing poverty and environmental impacts. However, rural zones not connected to power grids require more studies related to select low cost and efficient technologies suitable to each size of community. This paper presents a lexicographic multi-objective optimisation model (LMOM) to select the best renewable energy technologies (solar and wind) of hybrid power generation systems (HPGSs) for communities located in non-interconnected zones. The model prioritises objective functions such as the generation cost, emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and energy consumption in ton-equivalent petroleum (TEP). In addition, the model considers constraints related to the production cost, environmental sustainability, environmental conditions and reliability of the system. The results show that the model provides sustainable HPGSs adapted to the size of each community and the best renewable energy technologies are the central receiver system and the wind turbine with a 20-metre tower.Keywords: Renewable Energy, Rural Communities, Multi-objective OptimizationJEL Classifications: C61, Q42DOI: https://doi.org/10.32479/ijeep.7574


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Author Biographies

Edgar Ojeda Camargo, Universidad de la Guajira

Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Universidad de La Guajira, Riohacha, Colombia, Km 5 Vía Maicao, PBX(5): 728 2729; E-Mail: eojeda@uniguajira.edu.co

John E. Candelo-Becerra, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Colombia

Department of Electrical Energy and Automation, Universidad de Nacional de Colombia, Carrera 80 No. 65 – 223 Medellín - Colombia; E-Mail: jecandelob@unal.edu.co

Alcides Santander Mercado, Universidad del Norte

Department of Industrial Engineering, Universidad del Norte, Km 5 Vía Puerto Colombia - Colombia; E-Mails: asantad@uninorte.edu.co 




How to Cite

Ojeda Camargo, E., Candelo-Becerra, J. E., & Mercado, A. S. (2019). Lexicographic Multi-objective Optimisation of Hybrid Power Generation Systems for Communities in Non-Interconnected Zones. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 9(3), 205–217. Retrieved from https://econjournals.org.tr/index.php/ijeep/article/view/7574


